JASM - IT - Business User Success Engineer (5748)


・Communicate effectively with IT internal (HQ IT v.s. Local IT), local users, and cross-functional teams for a better understanding of user needs.

・Understand and cultivate domain knowledge in terms of business flows and user needs.

・Establish relationships as a trusted and strategic advisor to help ensure the continued value of our products and services.

・Develop and maintain user-success strategies and best practices, as well as user-support content.

・Own the entire relationship with assigned user groups for existing system rollout, schedule, and plan of new function delivery, including training, adoption status, retention, support, and satisfaction.




(Immediately after hiring)

・Work closely with stakeholders and cross-functional team to ensure user’s success.

・Serve as day-to-day contact for assigned user groups, providing supports, building trust and rapport while identifying areas of opportunity, highlighting best practices, and documentation.

・​​​​​​​Effectively gather, clarify, and prioritize requirements from users in terms of business flows, system constraints, and even pain points and provide proposals and deliver user wish day to HQ PM team / DevOps team.

・​​​​​​​May involved in design, assessment, and project management of local IT solution introductions if HQ cannot provide global solution or special needs triggered by local policy and rules. And sometimes support proofreading to make sure the quality of localization.

(Scope of change)There is a reassignment to the work specified by the Company.



Minimum Qualifications

・Experiences of system development, analysis, or project/product management

・Soft Skills in terms of collaboration and problem-solving

・Excellent communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with cross-functional teams in a deadline-driven environment.

・Analytical and logical thinking, process-oriented mindset, problem-solving skills, and the ability to understand and analyze users’ needs and the ability to simplify complex rea-world problems, requirements into clear system requirements.

・Strong skills in verbal and written communications, including fluent language abilities of both English and Japanese, strategic planning, and project management.

・Positive, active team player, self-starter, and multitasker who can quickly, flexibly adjust priorities.

・Self-motivated, integrity, and result-oriented personality.



Working Conditions

1. Location - (Immediately after hiring) 4106-1 Haramizu, Kikuyou-machi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto, 869-1102  (Scope of Change) Location determined by the Company

2. Working Days & Hours - 8:30~17:30

3. Benefits, Welfare - Health insurance, Employee pension, Employment insurance, Industrial accident compensation insurance, Pension plan, Retirement allowance plan, Annual leave, Commuting allowance: Actual expenses (maximum 50,000 yen/month), Housing allowance (In accordance with company's regulations)

4. Holiday - Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays, Vacation regulations:GW vacation, Year-end and New Year vacations ※Follows the vacation regulations according to the company calendar

5. Recruitment Process - 2-3 interviews → offer

※Interview process is subject to change



IT部門では様々なインフラストラクチャ・アーキテクチャを用い、台湾本社のDevOps(ビジネス)チームや外部パートナーと連携し、 情報システムの展開・導入・運用する事で、該当する社内ビジネス業務領域の健全かつ安定した状態を維持し会社利益向上に貢献します。




・IT技術を用いた一連のITプロセスの実行(業務プロセス改革含む) ・情報システムの企画/構想・設計・開発/展開と継続的な改善/維持管理


・ コンピュータサイエンスまたは関連する工学分野の学校卒業 ・ 情報システムの開発・運用経験
・ ITプロセスの実践経験(企画/要件定義/設計/開発/保守)
・ ITプロジェクトでの実践経験
・ 語学力(英語、日本語) ※社内コミュニケーションができる事と語学力向上意欲 
・ 改革意識と知見/スキル向上意欲



・ マネジメント (IT組織/プロジェクト) ・ ビジネス業務知見 (人事、総務、経理、経営管理など)
・ クラウドサービス
・ SAPモジュール





  • 勤務地 - (雇入れ直後)〒869-1102 熊本県菊池郡菊陽町大字原水4106-1 (変更の範囲)会社の定める場所 
  • 就業曜日・時間 - 8:30~17:30
  • 福利厚生 - 健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労働災害補償保険(労災)、個人年金プラン、退職金制度、年次有給休暇、通勤手当: 実費相当額(上限50,000円/月)、家賃手当(規定有り)
  • 休日休暇 -土日祝日休み、休暇制度:GW休暇、年末年始休暇 ※会社カレンダーによる休暇制度に準ずる
  • 選考プロセス - 面接2~3回 +適性テスト→オファー
日付:  2025/03/05
国/地域:  JP
市区町村:  Kumamoto
会社:  JASM (Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing)