JASM - Industrial Safety & Enviromental Protection -Emergency Response Center Assistant Engineer (57


(Immediately after hiring)

  • Execute the safety business related to plant operation.
  • To cooperate with central related planning and demand of business execution.
  • Perform audits and inspections to continuously improve and enhance plant safety, health and environmental protection operations to provide a good working environment for employees.
  • Handling abnormal events in the factory and improve the tracking and emergency response assistance.

(Scope of change)
There is a reassignment to the work specified by the Company.



Minimum Qualifications

  • Highest degree KOSEN or bachelor’s degree 
  • Major in science and technology, safety and health related disciplines
  • Japanese N1 or above
  • Work Shift: night shift is required (work 3 days and take 3 days off)
  • At least 2~4 years of experience being safety patrol or fire fighter.
  • Good leadership and responsibility.
  • Must be highly organized & proactive.
  • Not afraid to face emergency.



Preferred Qualifications

  • Fluent English or Chinese speaking, listening, and writing



Working Conditions
1.Location - (Immediately after hiring) 4106-1 Haramizu, Kikuyou-machi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto, 869-1102  (Scope of Change) Location determined by the Company
2.Working Days & Hours - Shift:work 3 days and take 3 days off
3.Benefits, Welfare - Health insurance, Employee pension, Employment insurance, Industrial accident compensation insurance, Pension plan, Retirement allowance plan, Annual leave, 4.Commuting allowance: Actual expenses (maximum 50,000 yen/month), Housing allowance (In accordance with company's regulations)
5.Business Holiday - Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays, Vacation regulations:GW vacation, Summer vacation, Year-end and New Year vacations 

※Follows the vacation regulations according to the company calendar
6.Recruitment Process - 2-3 interviews+ Aptitude Test→ offer




Date:  Aug 24, 2024
Country/Region:  JP
City:  Kumamoto
Company:  JPN Advanced Semi Manufacturing