JASM - Industrial Safety & Environmental Protection - Fire Protection Assistant Engineer (6559)
(Immediately after hiring)
- Inspection and maintenance of firefighting equipment.
- Emergency response for firefighting equipment failure and operation.
(Scope of change)
There is a reassignment to the work specified by the Company.
Minimum Qualifications
- Exhibit good and open communication skills, be able to work within cross-functional teams.
- Proficiency in Japanese (Compulsory)
Preferred Qualifications
- Professional Fire Protection Technician(消防設備士) and Certified Inspector of Fire Extinguishing Equipmentis(消防設備士) are nice to have.
- Working experience of semiconductor, hi-tech manufacturing or international large-scale company is preferred.
Working Conditions
1.Location - (Immediately after hiring) 4106-1 Haramizu, Kikuyou-machi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto, 869-1102 (Scope of Change) Location determined by the Company
2.Working Days & Hours - 8:30~17:30
3.Benefits, Welfare - Health insurance, Employee pension, Employment insurance, Industrial accident compensation insurance, Pension plan, Retirement allowance plan, Annual leave,
Commuting allowance: Actual expenses (maximum 50,000 yen/month), Housing allowance (In accordance with company's regulations)
4.Holiday - Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays, Vacation regulations:GW vacation, Year-end and New Year vacations